Writing is sometimes very hard work. I'll use this excuse and the excuse of being busy to present something old, an article I wrote in April last year, after a camping trip to Havasu Falls in the Havasupai reservation, near the Grand Canyon. I was reading the article recently, and there is a certain pleasure in rediscovering work you write, then set aside and forget - suddenly what you had written seems unfamiliar, its motivations and tensions belonging to an earlier time, but irrelevant now. The process sometimes provides startling insights about oneself; these insights that were unavailable during the process of writing become crystal clear at a later time.
The article is on my university website, which is like a bare cupboard - somebody once told me that when the website loads, the general impression is that an error message has come up. To make reading of this long article (1300 words) more colorful, I thought I'd provide a photograph, taken by Thomas, one of the three guys I camped with.
And here is the link to the article itself: http://www.public.asu.edu/~hbalasu/havasu.htm
The article is on my university website, which is like a bare cupboard - somebody once told me that when the website loads, the general impression is that an error message has come up. To make reading of this long article (1300 words) more colorful, I thought I'd provide a photograph, taken by Thomas, one of the three guys I camped with.
And here is the link to the article itself: http://www.public.asu.edu/~hbalasu/havasu.htm